Let’s face it, nobody likes being sold to. That’s why Inbound Marketing Agencies have found solid footing amongst a growing population of agency niches. After all, inbound means you’re attracting customers via a mix of paid, earned, and owned media types. There is a psychology to inbound that says consumers (i.e., people) like to believe they’ve found something on their own. They’re more likely to hold onto the idea if they feel like it was theirs.

But for the marketers reading this blog, we all know that nobody finds your brand by accident. As such, turning to an inbound marketing agency makes sense for this ever-evolving matrix of emerging marketing technology (Martech), social influence and highly targeted account-based marketing strategies.

Below are Four Reasons Inbound Marketing Agencies will dominate the future:

  • GDPR is Phase One of Forcing Inbound
    Everybody knows that GDPR kicked in, forcing a uniquely inbound approach to the European region. GDPR is likely going to be the first step on a string of actions that bring similar regulations to the US. This will destroy any reliance on email, forcing a huge inbound focus worldwide.
  • Most Likely to Adopt MarTech
    These agencies are as much marketing automation agencies as they are inbound. They’re well equipped to develop and implement programs that include marketing automation, CRM, website CMS, and tie it all together with an in-depth focus in analytics.
  • Typically Leverage Content
    Content marketing is a massive pillar in inbound marketing. Whether it’s video, long-form articles or social digital ads, they specialize in activating content in-market and often have in-house design capabilities to help you with the creative.
  • Data-Driven in Nature
    These agencies have to get results. Why? Because they measure EVERYTHING, and they’ve got to show the program performance to the client. As such, then good inbound agencies that can gain on-going retainers and large repeat project will have data analyst focused on proving their worth.

There are other reasons as well, but perhaps we’ll cover that in another blog someday. Regardless, I’m a huge fan of inbound marketing agencies and believe that you’ll see a continued evolution by all agencies towards this model.